A Bucket List, A F*** It List

This week I thought it would be fun to make an honest list of things I want to do before dying, and a list of things I'd love to do, but realistically, I'm probably just going to say "F*** it" instead. What would be on your lists?

Bucket List 

1. Write a novel, record an album

"But wait, this is two items!" You might say. Maybe, but these are also listed first because they will be happening sooner rather than later. The album is written, and the equipment bought; this summer, the product should be finished. And writing a novel? Well if I don't have that done in the next three years, I've failed myself as an aspiring novelist. 

2. Skydiving.....After I'm 50

Skydiving looks like a hell of a ride. I think it would be a once in a lifetime kind of rush that couldn't be replicated by anything else. Why 50? Well, as irrational as it may be, I don't feel like risking my life on a parachute opening while I’m still so young. Why take stupid chances now when I'll just be getting bored in my 50's anyway?

3. Sail on a ship

And I don't mean one of these carbon fibre beasts with a tarp that is known as modern sailing. Nor do I mean taking a Carnival cruise ship across the ocean. No, I want to sail on a proper ship, like all the great captains that have come before me...with a bottle of rum and a song in my heart! The smell of the ocean, the taste of a salty air, the rock of the waves...yo ho indeed!

4. Direct a film

I love films, and I mean LOVE them. There's few things I like better than a well-crafted story, and to me, there's no better platform for storytelling than the silver screen. Though I am still a very new student to the art of filmmaking, if I keep working hard, I know that one day I will gain the expertise necessary in directing a film. It doesn't have to be a financial success, necessarily, to be fulfilling to me, for the experience itself would be a real dream come true.

5. Join the mile high club

Maybe it's because I'm writing this on a plane...maybe. But still, wouldn't it be fun? 

6.  Have a notebook moment

And I mean the one where it's raining, they make up and kiss. You might be thinking “that isn't that hard to do!” Well, maybe not…But how often do you make up with your SO, outside, in the pouring rain, in a canoe? That's what I thought. Anyway, one great romantic movie moment in my life would be pretty sweet.

7. Dance the night away in Paris 

Who wouldn't love a waltz with your best gal in some chic café, to the sound of some old-fashioned jazz?? Well, probably a lot of people, but to them I say adieu! First, I need to learn how to waltz, then, find a gal who wants to do the same… then find the money and time to end up in Paris at a café that manages to play exclusively old-fashioned jazz...Alright, this is getting complicated. It doesn't have to be jazz. 

8. Travel to Sean Connery's Bond filming locations 

This might sound like a funny one, but I've been watching those films ever since I was a kid, and the locations used to film these movies are stunning. I've always wanted to travel around the world, but why not do it in Bond fashion? Of course, I'll be making a detour in New Zealand to see the Shire, but you all knew that already. 

9. Perform to a sold-out crowd 

If I could ever get to the point in my life where an audience of people sell out a venue just to see me entertain, then I will have become rich. 

10. Copper 

When buying the perfect bucket, some people might opt for gold or silver. That's great, but how rich do you need to be to get to the point where you need to flaunt your bucket so excessively? I think a nice copper finish would give just the right amount of class while still keeping your dignity intact.


F*** it List! 

1. Get a six pack

This would be nice, I got to say. But I also know that the years of exercise and dieting that are a prerequisite for such a body is beyond any of my motivations. I mean sure it'd be cool, but what do I need a six pack for? I'm a writer, not an NFL player. Not to mention...I think the “Dad bod” suits me rather well. 

2. Film a shot-for-shot remake of the entire Harry Potter series with my kid

This would be a magical experience, both for me and my future kid…but as much as I’d like to do it, this would take up so much time, effort, and money. Probably easier to just read him/her the books with all of the proper accents in play... and you know I will be doing ALL of them.  

3. Become a spy

I mean, it’s obvious that with my looks and natural charm and athleticism that I could be James Bond’s stunt double…*cough*…but assuming that they live the life that is portrayed in the movies, I’d rather not look over my shoulder all the time, waiting for someone to sneak up on me to torture me for information. This is a childhood dream that should probably stay a dream. 

4. Do Drugs

It seems that I’m a bit of a rarity in today’s society. Most people in their twenties have tried some type of drug at least once. But me? Never. Not that I haven’t been curious to see what it feels like, just that I’ve seen it mess up too many good people. Besides, if I can’t be happy in my own state of mind, then what’s the point?

5. Join the Jedi Academy

My midichlorian count is almost as high as Anakin’s, but Jedis are forced to live very excluded lives. No family, no lover, you’re not allowed to shoot lightning out of your hands, I mean C’MON. I believe in keeping the peace, but my force skills will have to be freelance.

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